RETREAT AGREEMENT FORM This agreement covers the basic necessities of safety, liability and expectation-setting for the way our retreats are conducted. *******PLEASE TYPE: “I AGREE” AFTER EACH NUMBERED GROUNDRULE.Submission of this form will be accepted as agreement to all groundrules. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country 1. I acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in a PATREOTS mens retreat. I am voluntarily participating in the retreat activities with knowledge of the danger involved, and agree to personally assume any and all risks. * 2. I acknowledge that the activities of a PATREOTS mens retreat are powerful healing modalities which are sensitive in nature. I agree to refrain from sharing the specific sensitive nature of the retreat activities with the public, including the names of certain plant medicines, the names of facilitators, exact locations of events and other sensitive information which has been disclosed during the retreat. * 3. I acknowledge that the PATREOTS facilitators are well trained in the modalities presented at the retreat and all directions are for the purposes of safety and achieving the best possible outcomes. I agree to follow any and all instructions to the best of my ability. * 4. I acknowledge that I will be amongst other men who are seeking growth, depth of experience, release, self-healing and liberation from old patterning. I agree to remain in a space of friendliness, openness and acceptance for the processes of others. * 5. I acknowledge that there may be social dynamics beyond my control at a PATREOTS mens retreat. I agree to bring any and all conflicts, distress, difficulties and discord to a PATREOTS facilitator for council and assistance as soon as said friction may arise. * 6. I acknowledge that the nature of plant medicines are incredibly safe when administered to those who are physically and mentally fit to ingest them. As such, I agree to be 100% honest with PATREOTS facilitators regarding my mental & physical health, concerns, questions and sensitivities. * 7. I acknowledge that a PATREOTS mens retreat will take place on wilderness land and that all of the hazards associated with wilderness territory will be present; including but not limited to: wildlife, white water, fire, cold & heat, rain and lack of cellular service. * 8. I acknowledge that there will not be food or refreshments outside of scheduled meals and that this is primarily due to the requirement of remaining semi-fasted for the plant medicines we will be working with. I agree to follow the pre and post-ceremony food protocols. * 9. I acknowledge that retreat service will end once the circle is closed by the PATREOTS facilitators on the final day scheduled. I agree that should I require further support with integration, coaching, and council, I will seek out appropriate care. (PATREOTS facilitators will be available at their own individual rates for private sessions.) * Thank you for joining us - we look forward to journeying with you!