Jordan is an adept practitioner of the healing arts and a teacher dedicated to the medicine path. His initiations into the arcane came first through a decade of the visual, musical and performing arts. After confronting severe depression, drug addiction and chronic illness, Jordan shed his career as a producer to walk the road of personal transformation, finding power in the Native American Camino Rojo and Amazonian Curanderismo. The monastic tree dieting practices of the Amazon have radically transformed Jordan’s life, vision and sense of purpose. Mockingbird is the name and blessing given by his Apache mentor to begin teaching through medicine ceremony. 

“We train to become the best we can be as human beings. It isn’t about ego, but it is about pride. There’s a certain type of fire that can be felt in the eyes of a person who has met their demons face-to-face, transcending fear through love.

I’m a creator, a ceremonialist, a teacher, a pioneer and an eternal novice. I’m here to dance. Join me - we might learn something together. If not that, hopefully we’ll have a good laugh. I serve the nameless, eternal spirit of unity, compassion, peace and truth.”

Peace be with you family,

Jordan Mockingbird

Jordan Mockingbird