by Jordan Mockingbird
There are two loops constantly in play between our intention, our beliefs, our actions and the consequences resulting from our actions.
The first is a feedforward loop.
A feedforward system is one that operates on pure assumption, belief or “programming.” This loop is very primitive and does not account for intention. This is akin to the way our beliefs determine our actions—sometimes even when out of sync with reality.
The second loop is a feedback loop.
This is the way we alter ourselves in order to bring about a desirable external change, based on information or feedback coming towards us from the environment. Change the thought; change the action. Change the action; change the result. This requires intentionality to operate.
The trouble comes when our feedforward system—our beliefs—are so entrenched that helpful information or feedback from the environment cannot be usefully assimilated, because the real feedback does not fit our belief programming and thus cannot be integrated with our current frame of mind.
When we are unable to assimilate real feedback from our environment as a positive, core change in our beliefs, cognitive dissonance is the result.
If humans beings do not stop and reflect, we will absolutely run our entire lives on autopilot. And much research shows that, for the most part, we are on autopilot much of the time. We like patterning, habit, consistency and repetition. After all, the sun rises every day without thought or question - why should we question?
And this is tricky, because our patterning or habit is what forms our identity in the world. Most of us also have a very tight relation with our identity in the world and it is often called Ego. Though our Ego may not be who we are at the core, it is the veritable expression we repeatedly make known to the world.
Usually at the core of a programming, patterning or set of habits we find a belief. Belief is like a map which structures thought and it rests on a set of assumptions about reality. Typical to the nature of belief, only the information which fits the story is allowed to be utilized. Thus, belief is a powerful, reality-structuring principle.
The real problem is that we cannot functionally dispense with beliefs and assumptions, because reality is structured by them. So what we must do is become incredibly lucid about the assumptions on which our beliefs are based. Only then do we have a real shot at adjusting our assumptions based on real world feedback, forming better beliefs and honing our effectivity.
We must become incredibly lucid about the assumptions on which our beliefs are based.
Intent + Belief + Action = Consequence
Cognitive dissonance destroys our integrity for one primary reason: it makes us ineffective as people living in the world. To be clear, by integrity, I mean the harmony of our intent, belief and action.
Our core intent is not enough to do anything in this world. It must be aligned with effective beliefs (thoughts / emotions), exercised in practice (action) and then constantly adjusted.
For instance, we want to meditate daily. We may even write down it in our schedule. And then we do not do it. Instead of following through with our intent, we act otherwise.
When we repeatedly fail to follow though, we create habitual misalignment of intent and action and our emotions take the hit. This informs our belief center that we are not worthy, valuable or effective.
…which makes it even harder to sit down on the cushion and fall into practice, reinforcing the belief that we are ineffective.
Here’s the entire trick:
The feedback coming from reality is not directed at YOU as a soul. It is directed at the assumptions on which your beliefs are formed. Your assumptions very well may be horridly ineffective and require adjustment. You very well may need healthy updates to your beliefs. But it is not capital “Y” YOU who are ineffective. It’s your ego, caught in cognitive dissonance.
10 Rules to Prevent & Heal Cognitive Dissonance:
Do what you say you will do.
Never lie - white lies included.
Take responsibility for your thoughts.
Choose beliefs which empower you to take action.
Refuse to pity yourself.
Find power in transparency.
Revere yourself and others.
Do not compromise your values for others.
When unsure, seek council.
If you break one of these rules, own it and correct it.
The instruction and coaching in the Inner Dynamics program is focused on creating long-term growth within the seeker, in alignment with the principles of service, humility, purpose, evolution, wisdom and love. With a balance of weekly private calls and recorded modules for home-practice, we create opportunities for personal breakthrough and lasting change.