Join me for an 8-day Sacred Tree Diet, where we hold a plant medicine meditation to deepen into the path of wisdom, healing & remembrance.


Tree Dieting is an ancient Amazonian practice for healing the body, structuring the mind and opening up deep spiritual terrain, which can come in the form of insight, knowledge and powerful breakthrough. A liter of tea from a sacred tree is taken each day and the body is sustained by a minimal dining menu of plain oatmeal, green plantain and saltless vegetable soup. Except for a few group ceremonies, the practice is held in isolation for purity of focus.

This ancient protocol is one of the most powerful ways to enter the subconscious mind and return with psychic gold in the form of spiritual strength & personal will.


Sacred Tree Medicines are highly beneficial for addressing the full-spectrum of human embodiment, helping us optimize for physical vitality, unblocking emotional flow, leading us towards mental breakthrough, and expanding our capacity to hold spiritual wisdom. 

Sacred Tree Medicines call us towards the highest expression of ourselves, connecting us to strong visions of our gifts and life potential, then guiding towards clarity on what it is that’s holding us back.

As we embrace responsibility for what is restricting our fullest expression, the medicine helps us move that energy up and out, making space for our truest form to birth.


Sacred Tree Medicine is for anyone who is ready to venture deeper into the realms of self-knowledge, personal evolution and spiritual cultivation. This medicine is incredibly safe and available to all who feel called towards transformation.

Sacred Tree Medicine is also for those who desire to work with powerful plant medicine in a way which will not shatter their sense of self, but will help strengthen their core identity. The plants and trees we work with are not psychedelic and offer potent shamanic experience in a sober container.

Sacred Tree Medicine is for those who desire to walk the healing path in a way which is deep but gentle, strong but meditative, profound but grounded. Mockingbird’s approach to curanderismo honors the delicacy, sensitivity and uniqueness of all peoples.

Whether you come for healing, for learning or to “power up,” your heart is welcome here.


Before my dieta with Jordan, I had been struggling with feelings of disconnect, depression, isolation, and behavioral addictions. I knew I needed something to change but I wasn’t really sure what. After some deep conversations with Jordan and some self reflection I felt a call to dieta. I was anxious as fuck in the weeks leading up to it. Honestly it felt like such a big leap even though it was so in line with the path I’m on. It was like the wounds and demons in me knew they were about to be healed in a major way and they were afraid of me becoming whole again. Anyways, since returning I’ve felt a renewed sense of resilience and of being grounded in my body and my life. I still feel the feelings I was trying to avoid to some extent, but after what I’ve learned through dieta I don’t feel compelled to run away when they rear their heads. I catch myself when I start to spiral, when my addict brain starts shouting or my anger and anxiety flare up and try to make decisions for me. I’m facing life head on with patience and presence. With all of that, the further I get from my dieta the more grounded I’m becoming. I’ve brought home so many new skills and ways of living that have allowed my healing to continue after the dieta was closed.

Jordan holds his space with such care and compassion. Im talking pre, during and post. Without his support I might have backed out before I even got on the plane and a few times when the dieta got heavy. Even in my dark or embarrassing moments he supported me without judgement and imparted so much strength and wisdom. He channels his medicine as if it was an extension of his own being and goddamn are his Icaros powerful. He made me feel safe and comfortable while I was in very vulnerable states, and he has such a grounded energy that is really helpful when cleansing, digesting and healing some of the shit that comes up during dieta. He helped me clear out the gunk to see the wisdom and beauty that hides in all of us and in the plants that we live amongst.

The space was beautiful. It’s simple and perfect. Everything is clean and well taken care of. I had my own room with a cute little balcony looking out across the corn field and these unreal mountains. There were rainbows, thunderstorms and brilliant sunny days all within a 24 hour window. The space he’s found is nestled in magic. There’s a great outdoor area to just lay in the grass, watch butterflies and bees dance around in the flowers. Most of the time Jordan’s out there tending to a stove where he prepares the tobacco or sitting with his own meditation and song. He always welcomed me when I needed to talk something out or just wanted to share space while he plays his music to the brewing tobacco. 


Sacred Tree Dietas are spaces for quiet remembrance. Processes are private, individual, inward, gentle and spacious.

Medicine is served twice per day and an afternoon meditation divides breakfast and lunch. All service takes place in your private quarters.

Noble silence will be observed in common areas throughout the day and, every night, we will have the option to sit by a fire and process.

Our lodgings are spacious and accommodate for daily sunbathing, yoga and journaling while contemplating the sunset against the Texas foliage.

All meals are traditional plant diet preparations and are hand prepared, clean and simple: saltless oatmeal and boiled green plantain in the morning and vegetable soup in the late afternoon.

Medicine processes are typically very gentle but can include physical purging (vomiting), the processing of strong emotions and the onset of physiological changes. Our space will be cared for by a highly adept space holder. Safety, privacy and cleanliness are the highest priorities.

Above all, expect to experience remembrance of your own nature as nature herself.


Initially I waited to share this story so as to avoid potentially dissipating the power of the experience by unveiling details too soon – but in reality, the delay at this point is entirely because the “diet” has yet to finish working on me. While the overt challenge of the discomfort from caloric restriction and purgative tobacco have long since passed, the subtle power of the soft “feminine” tree diet (North American White Birch) I drank each day as a tea made from her bark continues to sing a song of unraveling inside me.

I don’t know how else to say it, so I’m just going to – this “tree” has been working me from the inside out for months now. That or I am now officially a crazy person. Meaning, even now as I put words to page I can “feel” her splitting open the hardened parts of myself as water innocently seeps into cracks in the rock before the freeze to split the strongest stone.

It is this being split open that has taken me lovingly by the hand and shown me how hard I have become in some of my softest places. It is this cracking at my seams that continues to reveal more of the armor I’ve been wearing around my heart, and whispers the black-hole teaching She(?) lovingly calls “Sweet Feminine Weakness” into my veins.

“Sweet Feminine Weakness” … the unmeasurable and paradoxical strength necessary to actually give up, let go, surrender totally and let myself be led mindless towards some unknowable point between what feels like madness and "Source", but turns out is actually Love. It is fucking terrifying, but also somehow absolutely correct to feel led from a path I have stubbornly been dragging myself down in order to become someone I am not for someone I am not, and turns out it has been killing me.

And so, to that end, I hope this telling will resonate with those who may also be arriving at the point inside yourselves where gathering stillness meets great divide. All I can say is, lean in. If you can.

"The wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself." -Leonardo Da Vinci


Trees are universal keepers of knowledge. The primeval connection human beings have with trees is co-evolutionary with what we are. Their wisdom is written of in everything from the world’s holy texts to the phylogenetic tree of evolutionary biology. Here, we work with a small selection of sacred trees as teachers & medicines.


The mighty oak is almost too massive for explanation. Indeed, its kingly and thunderous nature has been sacralized by cultures throughout history. The word “druid” itself originates from the Celtic word for “oak” meaning “door.” The thunder gods Thor and Zeus were both enshrined in Oak groves. The oak is used throughout the bible to describe men of righteousness, with the Hebrew word for Oak said to derive from the word for “God.”

The oak is aligned with the solar hero; the psychological center of the self, venturing into the unknown. This master tree embodied primal masculine energy, or the electrical, yang force of the universe. The oak awakens the center of the self, strength, endurance and wisdom—even in the most trying of situations. As a keystone species supporting over 500 other species, Oak is a teacher of what it means to embody royalty, nobility, generosity and power in service of community.


Metasequoia is a Master Tree unique upon the Earth. Before the Dawn Redwood was found alive and enshrined by local Chinese villagers in the 1940’s, it was known to scientists only through the fossil record; thought to have gone extinct over one sixty million years ago. Before the last ice age, Metasequoia covered the Northern Arctic in coniferous canopies when the region was still a tropical swamp. Given that her wisdom is from the age of dinosaurs.

Metasequoia embodies the grandmother spirit. Among her many talents is the unique capacity to help open up understanding of our authentic gifts, abilities and spiritual path. Metasequoia, like the Grandfather Spirit of tobacco, has the power to cast vision down the “long path,” guiding us towards our individual road of transformation and awakening the seeker to the light within. Metasequoia offers us insight into our potential for deeper rooting and reveals the work which needs to be done today, for us to evolve tomorrow.


Birch is unequivocally known as a mother tree, by nearly all cultures living within her stead. She is considered one of the first trees to sprout after the last ice age and is known to be the first species to emerge from the soil after forrest fire, as a tree which purifies and regenerates ecosystems. Used for tools by indigenous across the world, she also has strong medicine—herbal & spiritual. Siberian shamans sought the White Birch for initiation, believing the tree to contain heaven, earth & hell.

White Birch is a powerful conduit of light, renewal and healing. She calms and restores the psyche, with the power to loosen calcified regions of the persona, setting us into greater alignment with our path of spiritual evolution. White Birch helps us remember how to bend instead of break under the stress of change and difficulty. She is an alter of new beginnings, protection, good luck & faith for what is to come.


Ocotillo is a powerful sacred tree and medicine plant covering the Sonoran & Chihuahuan deserts of Mexico, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona & California. Its name comes from a nahuatl (Aztec) word meaning “little torch”. Sometimes considered to be a “coral of the desert”, every part of the plant is used as both food and medicine by dozens of species including humans.

Ocotillo’s medicine focuses on the navel region of the body, moving the lymph within the hips, prostate, womb and intestines. As a spiritual teacher, Ocotillo guides us towards strengthening our boundaries, deepening our spiritual devotion, clarifying our intuition and helping us heal the mother wound. Ocotillo shines light on the shadows in our in our beliefs and asks us to alchemize our pain, taking responsibility for our own freedom and to harness our sexual energy with integrity to further the endeavor of spiritual growth.