Personalized approaches, designed to include all parts of a human being: body, mind, spirit, soul.


Curated journeys to transform vital aspects of the deep self.

Choosing to Mature

Our bodies are designed to take what we need from our environments and expel the rest. Equally, like a snake sheds skin, human beings must shed outgrown aspects of the self. When we do not expel what is useless—be it negative emotions we’ve carried or deficient modeling from caregivers—we suffer and can become ill. Likewise, if we continue to over identify with younger parts of ourselves, which have never received our loving witness as adults, we will act out, cope and misunderstand our nature. In the process, our sense of purpose and place in this world degrades, as we remain blocked by our own immaturity. We must choose to mature.

Healing can be a labyrinthine journey through the most challenging parts of our personal experience. Having sound guidance, reflection and friendship as we navigate the unknown can make all the difference.

Mentorships will include curation of multiple modalities in service to your individual growth trajectory, including:

Ceremony, Tree Dieting, Sessions for Council, Inner Alchemy training, Daily Practice and Retreats to connect with others on the path.



Deep release and relief with purgative tobacco.

Walking With Medicine

Private ceremonies with tobacco are held to cleanse the body of heavy emotion and open up our awareness to greater subtlety. Before ingesting medicine, we identify what is ready to be released, through intimate dialogue, and after ceremony, we hold a slow space for integration with medicine music, performed live by Mockingbird. With every ceremony we undergo, we experience a little bit more of the mystery and magic that is walking with medicine.


All over the indigenous Americas, Tobacco has had a singular reputation as the King of Plants. Cultivated long before corn or potatoes, Tobacco’s ancient value goes far beyond superstition or symbolism. The plant is a medicine with enormous utility to the human body. Traditional uses include everything from cures for cancer and removal of parasites to healing the emotions and grounding the mind.


Space to re-frame your story and claim personal power.

Becoming A Creator

In these 90 minute virtual sessions, we drop into the core of what you’re moving through by opening a shared dialogue, excavating, tracing and identifying deep behavioral and thought patterns. This process alone can lead to amazing breakthroughs. We continue further by identifying where the discomfort is located in the physical body and engage simple breath practices to release the emotional charge around the pattern we are attempting to re-frame. This method is focused on creating awareness around the way that the body and the mind interact to create our experience of reality. When we move through a blockage with focused effort, the fruit is often a sense of freedom, joy and personal power to exercise our will.


Our personal power rests in our ability to tell new stories. Why is this? Because it is the stories we tell that place us in the world as a creator of it, rather than a victim of it.

“The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves.” -The Body Keeps The Score